The Essence of Femininity

Be All the Things You Want In a Partner

Look for Green Lights When Choosing a Partner

The Amorality of Seduction Techniques

How to Choose Your Marriage Partner

Hoping For Those Three Little Words

Learning to Swim in the Deep End

Swiping the V-Card

The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

Chastened A Contemporary Cautionary Tale

I’m not sure where I was directing my energy to my “false impressions of sex appeal to men” – nowhere did I claim to be sexy or believe that men find me that way (all I wrote of is an insecurity based on what I look like in real life as compared to photos).

Considering I don’t even believe in a Knight in Shining Armor (isn’t it time for all of us to let go of the patriarchal beliefs of what supposedly all women – or men – want out of a relationship?), it’s really not up to you to tell me which qualities I need to examine that are really important in a friend or lover. I’ve been lucky enough to be in relationships with very wonderful men, and can tell you that who they were as people is what always attracted me.

I was honest in this piece about what my reactions were that weren’t so pretty; I like to think of myself as someone who always puts personality above looks, and was surprised at noticing that I was paying more attention to looks than I thought I would. That is me being honest and real, which allows me to look at what that means for me. That does not allow you to classify women as a whole, because then you could go ahead and classify men as a whole, since many men would never email a woman they didn’t find attractive, no matter if they loved what she said (and this has been made apparent to me in the amount of “your pretty” “your attractive” emails that have come to me, with that being the main – if only content. Really, I’m not that pretty, and I bet they didn’t even look at what I had to say in my profile – I’m guessing they send these emails out in groups).

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