Discuss the skills and experience SSEAYP participants should have. Rank them in order of importance (1 - most important to 6 - least important). Report to the whole class.

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
   Community work experience      Confident speaking skills      good English language skills      Teamwork skills      Understanding current issues in ASEAN countries      Understanding different cultures   
Having (1) is essential since it's the working language of the program. (2) is also important for effective communication. (3) are necessary for completing tasks and solving problems. (4) can be helpful in developing practical skills. (5) are important for presenting ideas in front of an audience. (6) is important, but it is the least important skill or experience since the program focuses on cultural exchange and developing skills for the future.