Interviewer: Many scientists predict that in the 21st century people will be living into the
incredible age of 130. What do you think about this?
Dr. Davis: Well, I quite agree with them. They have reasons to be confident about that.
Interviewer: What are the reasons?
Dr. Davis: In fact, their prediction is based on research and on the fact that the centenarian
population is mushrooming as our general health improves.
Interviewer: Can you explain this further?
Dr. Davis: A century ago average life expectancy in Europe was 45. Today, providing we look
after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes, we
can add nearly 35 years to that figure.
Interviewer: So these are the factors that help people live longer?
Dr. Davis: Yes. But the most important factor is the development in medical science.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Dr. Davis: Nobody dies from old age, just from diseases that affect people when they get
Interviewer: So scientists are trying to find cures for fatal diseases like cancer and Aids?
Dr. Davis: Right. Nowadays, about 50% of cancers are curable, and I really believe that within
30 years this will increase to 80%. And in ten years' time Aids will also be brought under
control, too.
Interviewer: That sounds interesting. What about living forever?
Dr. Davis: So far, eternal life is just science fiction. But with the advance of science, it's not